Lets Begin With The Introduction Of Javascript! and then we will be witnessing why in my point of view and newbie developers too feel that JS is much weird! which they might have not anticipated of!😜 (not considering the ones who had their first programming language as JS, though it might be true for them as well!)
PS:- In this blog, I'm not going to give up the tutorial, I'll just be putting my perspective towards JS, though I'm loving it literally!......and when I said literally, I mean it just because it comes with some sort of weirdness, it insists developers think of its working and being a computer science enthusiast it excites me a lot atleast.
So What Are we waiting for, Tight Up Your seatbelts as we are ready for the take-off!🚀 Lets Begin!
##What is Javascript?
console.log("Hello Folks!");
Javascript is a programming language designed by American Computer Scientist Brendan Eich. It is a lightweight, interpreted, and just-in-time compiled language, often abbreviated as JS(sounds cool...right ?).
It is excessively used in the development of websites and web apps too as it is JS which acts as a brain as it facilitates us to write a logic of a particular element means what if this button is clicked and so on! Moreover, the cherry on the top is with JS we can write both the front-end and the back-end part of the website through its amazing frameworks and now you got how powerful the Javascript is.
It is one of the most loving and used programming languages in the world right now, you might wonder now, earlier I told, JS is a weird language for many folks out there then how comes it is possible the most weird language became the most lovable programming language ?
Well, it is because of the following reasons:
- it's a light-weighted programming language that can easily be integrated with other frameworks/languages.
- Once You get your stuffs clear in JS, it won't feel strange to you.
- It brings the familiarity and comfort of Object Oriented Programming concepts into web development and additionally brings a lot of dynamic functionality to web pages and makes a website much more intuitive and interactive.
- JS is a dynamically typed language too, which means you don't need to declare the type of variables you are using in your programs(rather var,let and const keywords are used), hence making it efficient
Why do Some say it weird ?🤔
Okay Now if we have comprehended, how it gained so much popularity, peoples, on the other hand, say it exhibits weird behavior.....Why So? Some of its features like asynchronous nature, being single-threaded , hoisting and many more make it doesn't always behave the way you might think.
When used on the client side(front-end), JavaScript code is read, interpreted, and executed in the user’s web browser. When used on the server side(back-end), it is run on a remote computer.
##The Javascript Frameworks and Library🔥
What is a Javascript framework ? A Javascript framework is a collection of pre-written code built to support applications and provide benefits that simple Javascript does not offer on its own. It is these frameworks of any programming language which provide programmers the ease while working on a real-world project, though using them is optional but it facilitates a programmer to avoid writing futile codes unnecessarily while we have the option to directly import them into our project since using them is highly scalable and they enhance functionality and also one can learn them easily too! JS Frameworks : React JS , Angular JS, Vue JS etc.
What is a Javascript Library ? Javascript Library is also the collection of pre-written codes but they are meant for a specific purposes, Unlike Javascript Frameworks which are made to fulfill multiple functions and thus hold the utmost importance in the development of web applications. JS Libraries: jQuery, Underscore. etc.
You Will Likely use libraries within your application for specialized use cases only if your framework doesn't cover that aspect, this is also very rare though!
Well, choosing the right frameworks for your project is also an art, you must be aware of the needs i.e., if this particular framework meets the need of your project as every framework has its own specializations however, I'm never denying the fact you can use any frameworks in the market as per your wish!
Not covering the descriptive sides of the popular frameworks as of now in this blog, will see them in future blogs. So STAY TUNED!
Why Learning Javascript?
Yes, Javascript is the world's most popular programming language. This is enough I guess you might have got your answer. Okay then also see why one must consider learning JS in 2022. The prime reason for learning Javascript is if you have any such hopes of becoming a web developer. Even if you haven’t got your heart set on a tech career, being proficient in this language will enable you to build websites from scratch—a pretty useful skill to have in today’s job market!
Now, How JS can be helpful in your journey of becoming a web developer ?
- Javascript Developers are Versatile : It means that once you are done with the javascript, it is up to you, you can go in any field. it could be writing the codes for the front-end through amazing front-end libraries(React, Angular, etc.) or writing the back-end(using NodeJS), hence the possibilities are endless.
- Javascript developers are well paid : Sharing some of the data of the trusted platforms:- In their IT Skills Report 2021, recruiting platform DevSkiller unveiled some interesting insights into current developer hiring trends. Based on their analysis of over 200,000 coding tests in 143 countries, they found that 75% of companies are looking to hire JavaScript developers.
A report by HackerRank, meanwhile, found that the global demand for JavaScript outweighs the expertise available on the market. According to the report, 53.6% of employers worldwide say they need JavaScript skills, yet only 42% of student developers say they are proficient in the language.
So, if you plan on becoming a JavaScript expert, you can expect to be highly employable.
##Vanilla Javascript vs Javascript vs Plain Javascript: Vanilla JavaScript just means the basic language without any libraries or frameworks. You should not confuse yourself between Vanilla Javascript or Javascript. They both are absolutely the same. To be straightforward, it is the name given when the javascript is used without frameworks or any library, sometimes plain javascript is also used. All three are exactly the same.
Question Arises Should you learn vanilla Javascript first or directly move on to the framework based ?
Well, you might have heard basics are the fundamentals of any foundations to be laid on! , this means in layman's language it is not compulsory to go entirely with the vanilla js but in the long run, you won't be able to become a successful Javascript developer, you will always be in the trap if you have never witnessed or comprehend these concepts like callbacks, closures,prototypes, etc. you will always encounter them while learning any frameworks too, so there's a very high chance these things might seem very challenging to you and you will wonder, you need to clear you JS basics first.
So, in order to avoid this case with you I'll always suggest you to start from the very basics and then raise a bar like anything.
How to learn Javascript?
Well, if you want to start with your journey of learning Javascript. I Would like to tell you that JS Tutorials available on YouTube for free is more than enough to kickstart your journey and move to an advanced level, It is always your wish if you want to go for paid courses, you can definitely go for! At The End of the day, you have to put your own hardcore effects if you are really serious for learning.
My YouTube Channel Picks :
- FreeCodeCamp
- Code With Harry
- Thapa Technical
- edureka!
- Harshith Vasisth
- Hitesh Choudhary
Website Picks For Documentation & Self-Learning
And lastly, I would like to discuss the biggest doubt that newbies often encounters is that is Java & Javascript somewhat related ?, You might have seen new developers asking whether they should learn Java or Javascript first. So let us discuss it in a very straightforward manner!
Java Vs Javascript: is there any similarity b/w the two ? First Of all, let us be very clear with the fact that Java & Javascript are entirely different languages, there is no such relation between the two, in fact, the reality is choosing either will lead to different career paths in the domain of Software Engineering. So, its basically a myth that new developer gets into, but I've #bustedTheMyth✌️
Why does Javascript have Java in its name? At that time when Javascript was launched, Java was one of the hottest programming languages, so the naming of JavaScript to include Java was a marketing strategy so that they don't have to put any hard core efforts to make JS popular
With That Set, let us End Up Here!, I hope that I was able to add some knowledge and values to your life through this blog!
Advice - Its you yourself always who have to push yourself into the improvements, learnings every day. Nobody is going to do it for you! Start Today & Keep Hustling
console.log("Keep Learning! Keep Growing! Keep Exploring!");
console.log("Never Stop Grinding!");